Wednesday, March 21, 2012


So, if you missed it, we moved recently...

Most of my faithful readers haven't missed that fact though...anyway, in the move we have TRIED super hard to make sure that each of the kids are finding a niche in this new city. So, when the Civic Theatre sent home some paperwork from school, I felt a tug. So we prayed and then we asked Caleb if he would be interested in trying out for a play. Alice in Wonderland. I thought, what a perfect first play for a little boy, not a whole lot of pressure to be the main character :) He loved the idea. He loved to do something different than his brother and it was a perfect opportunity to branch out a bit.

The first day the director would choose roles. I was nervous the first day, Caleb was not. And he hopped in the van at the end of the hour and said, I am the Dodo Bird. What a cute Dodo bird Caleb would be. But let's be honest for a minute's been a LONG time since I have watched AIW. It's probably not even in my top ten favorite Disney movies. So I honestly had no idea who the Dodo bird even was. But what I can tell you is that I knew it would be perfect for Caleb.

The part was simple and not very many lines and it was the PERFECT part for a beginner in the first grade. And Caleb was a natural! He had all his lines learned in the first 24 hours. I am not kidding. By the end of the 13 weeks I think Caleb probably had more than 1/2 of the whole play memorized. Amazing their little brains. The play was cute and very 1st-3rd grade-ish. The kids' costumes were awesome. Caleb's costume had to be pretty simple, which was fine with him, he didn't want TOO much attention drawn to him. And this was the curious part...Ben and I got to see a different side of Caleb in these last few weeks. We saw him be confident yet not steal the limelight. We saw him function on a team, and not take over as director of all. We saw him do something new, with JOY, and not be afraid. I hope these are things we remember about Caleb for a long time. Because I think we are seeing who Caleb is, not just who we are praying for him to be. Prayers work. I saw it in a Dodo bird, in a 20 minute showing of Alice in Wonderland at Spokane, WA's Civic Theatre.

Love you Caleb. I hope this is not your last performance. Although I get to watch you be silly and dramatic everyday...I want those gifts shared with many more people. Jesus in you is amazing.
xoxo- Mama

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